
除了体验具有挑战性的课程和通过俄亥俄荣誉计划(OHP)在课堂外bet8九州登录入口他们的教育的机会之外。, 参加者也有机会被考虑参加各种ohp指定的项目.


科普兰学者是一个以群体为基础的项目,在这个项目中,学生既可以独立工作,也可以合作工作,以发展个人和专业技能. 商学院 prides itself on offering experiential learning opportunities such as the Business Cluster, where students are challenged not only to learn, but also to apply their education to relevant issues in the world of business. Program benefits include a scholarship valued at up to $2,000 and renewable for four years.

Learn more about 科普兰学者

bet8九州登录入口ing to the 科普兰学者 Program:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉学者补充申请. 以下文章提示(建议长度为50-200字)将用于申请OHP和科普兰学者:

俄亥俄荣誉计划的学生代表了校园内所有专业的学生,他们在bet8九州登录入口课堂外所学的同时,还参加了引人入胜的荣誉课程. Reflect on a time you discovered an issue or problem that made you want to take action, whether to learn more or promote change. What was the issue, and what did you do? (Recommended length: Approximately 300 words)

Select students will be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.


康纳维诺荣誉课程是一个以研究为基础的荣誉体验,专门为巴顿教育学院的教师和学生设计. Students complete a rigorous, inquiry-based series of courses, which will both supplement and augment their regular requirements. 荣誉学生参加一个合作研究项目,解决一个重要的教学问题. This research-intensive program provides students with opportunities for leadership, professional conference presentations, 专业发展, intensive classroom experience in Professional Development Schools, and a close rapport with a core group of faculty.

Learn more about the 康纳维诺荣誉项目

bet8九州登录入口ing to the 康纳维诺荣誉项目:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉学者补充申请. 以下短文提示(建议长度为50-200字)将用于申请OHP和Connavino Honors:

俄亥俄荣誉计划的学生代表了校园内所有专业的学生,他们在bet8九州登录入口课堂外所学的同时,还参加了引人入胜的荣誉课程. Reflect on a time you discovered an issue or problem that made you want to take action, whether to learn more or promote change. What was the issue, and what did you do? (Recommended length: Approximately 300 words)

Select students may be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.

Law, Justice and Culture Early Assurance Program

法律, 司法和文化早期保证计划允许学生在加速时间内完成学士和硕士学位. 参与者获得硕士课程的有条件录取作为即将到来的本科新生.

Learn more about the Law, Justice and Culture EAP

MacKenzie King Honors Program

麦肯齐·金荣誉项目是一个以研究为基础的荣誉体验,专门为巴顿教育学院人文与消费者科学、娱乐与体育教育学专业的学生设计. Students complete a rigorous, inquiry-based series of courses, which will both supplement and augment their regular requirements. 荣誉学生参加一个合作研究项目,解决一个重要的教学问题. This research-intensive program provides students with opportunities for leadership, professional conference presentations, 专业发展, intensive classroom experience in Professional Development Schools, and a close rapport with a core group of faculty.

Learn more about the MacKenzie King Honors Program

bet8九州登录入口ing to the MacKenzie King Honors Program:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉学者补充申请. 以下文章提示(建议长度为50-200字)将用于申请OHP和MacKenzie King Honors:

俄亥俄荣誉计划的学生代表了校园内所有专业的学生,他们在bet8九州登录入口课堂外所学的同时,还参加了引人入胜的荣誉课程. Reflect on a time you discovered an issue or problem that made you want to take action, whether to learn more or promote change. What was the issue, and what did you do? (Recommended length: Approximately 300 words)

Select students may be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.


The 斯克里普斯创新学者 program gives bold, 在斯克里普斯传播学院,好奇的问题解决者有机会释放他们的创新精神,对世界做出积极的改变. Program benefits include a $1,500 scholarship that is renewable for four years and a $1,000 stipend for enrichment activities throughout the four-year experience.

Learn more about 斯克里普斯创新学者

bet8九州登录入口ing to the 斯克里普斯创新学者 Program:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 以下文章提示(建议长度为50-200字)将用于申请OHP和斯克里普斯创新学者:

俄亥俄荣誉计划的学生代表了校园内所有专业的学生,他们在bet8九州登录入口课堂外所学的同时,还参加了引人入胜的荣誉课程. Reflect on a time you discovered an issue or problem that made you want to take action, whether to learn more or promote change. What was the issue, and what did you do? (Recommended length: Approximately 300 words)

Select students will be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.


卡特勒学者计划是一项优秀奖学金计划,为特定学科或特定地理区域的智力和公民参与的学生提供奖学金. In addition to generous funding beginning at $23,每年000, 卡特勒学者 receive individualized mentoring, stipends to support four enrichment experiences, 以及其他帮助他们探索如何对社区产生积极影响的好处.

Learn more about the 卡特勒学者计划

bet8九州登录入口ing to the 卡特勒学者计划:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉和学者补充申请,并回答以下文章提示:

反思一项服务活动或你为社区做出的其他贡献. Your actions might involve individual service, 小组项目, or substantial activities to support your 家庭, such as employment or caring for a sick relative. What did you learn about yourself and your 社区? What did you learn about how society functions more generally? (字数限制250字)

What qualities are most important when practicing leadership? How have you tried to model these qualities when working with others? 你有兴趣寻找哪些机会来培养新的领导才能? (字数限制250字)

Select students will be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.

Multicultural Center Programs

多元文化中心是邓普顿,城市和阿巴拉契亚学者项目的所在地. They form a collaborative 社区 that enriches their academic experience at 俄亥俄州. These programs include generous scholarships valued from $12,500 annually up to a full ride (tuition, 双人房入住, and a Traditional 20 meal plan) and academic and social programming.

Learn more about Multicultural Center Programs

bet8九州登录入口ing to Multicultural Center scholars programs:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉和学者补充申请,并回答以下文章提示。, based on the programs for which they are eligible.

Appalachian Scholars Program

阿巴拉契亚学者计划是一项享有盛誉的奖学金计划,以成绩和需求为基础,为居住在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚县的高中毕业生提供奖学金. 该计划为有经济需要和学术成就的学生提供奖学金支持, coupled with the desire and motivation to succeed.

请分享你在你自己或其他阿巴拉契亚社区有过的有意义的社区参与经验. What motivated you to get involved? 你做了什么?? How did the experience impact you? (350 - 500字)


In 1828, 约翰·牛顿·坦普尔顿成为俄亥俄州第一位非裔美国毕业生,也是全国第四位非裔美国毕业生. Arrested in 1835 for teaching other African Americans to read and write, he persevered to become a teacher and a principal. In the spirit of his contributions, 邓普顿奖学金颁发给与邓普顿一样致力于建立包容性关系的一年级新生, 社区宣传, 和毅力.

Based on your understanding of the 邓普顿学者计划, which of the program’s resources and opportunities are most exciting to you, and how would you take advantage of them, 如果选择? 另外, reflecting on your involvement in your school, 社区, 家庭, work and/or extracurricular activities, what experiences have prepared you to be a Templeton Scholar? (350 - 500字)


城市学者计划是一项声望很高的奖学金计划,为俄亥俄州城市学区即将入学的一年级学生提供奖学金. 该计划为有经济需要和学术成就的学生提供奖学金支持.

请分享你在自己或其他城市社区中有意义的社区参与经验. What motivated you to get involved? 你做了什么?? How did the experience impact you? (350 - 500字)

Entrepreneurship Honors Program

创业荣誉课程是为有兴趣追求创业精神的学生设计的. Entrepreneurship is a mindset. It can mean starting companies and businesses, but it can also mean innovating and solving problems for yourself, 已建立的组织, 或者整个社会. The program is interested in applicants who want to do stuff and – in ways small or big, now or later – attempt to make an impact. 完成俄亥俄荣誉课程创业课程的学生将获得创业证书或专业学位. Program benefits include a scholarship valued at up to $3,000 and renewable for four years.

Learn more about the 创业中心

bet8九州登录入口ing to the Entrepreneurship Honors Program:

After completing the application for admission to 俄亥俄州, 符合条件的学生将被要求填写俄亥俄荣誉和学者补充申请,并回答以下文章提示(建议长度:250-350字):

Describe an instance where you have started, 创建, 建, 影响, 改变了, or have otherwise 创建 value where there was none. 这可以包括, 但不限于, entrepreneurial efforts; problem solving; fulfilling a unmet need; or making and selling products, 服务, 或思想. If you have photos or links to share, please do!

Select students will be invited to participate in a virtual interview. Students will be notified of their status during the spring semester.


